Stoke Lacy Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Meeting 3rd June 2020 at 6.30pm held by video conference.
Attendees: Carole Leonard, Meg Warren, James Wilson, Phil Platt, Marcel Carrier, Bill Morgan, James Wilson, Jo Davies
Guest: Louise Kirkup, Planning Consultant, Kirkwells
Apologies: Alma Westwood
- Update on funding.
BM reported that the Localities grant application for £7,600 to fund the project has been approved by Herefordshire Council. He now has access to the Localities website log in details as does AW, so they can monitor progress of the application and for further funding. Notice of confirmation of transfer of funds to the parish council account is expected tomorrow (4th June).
The next step is to produce a budget for the other costs related to the project such as printing, hall hire etc.
- Objectives.
- LK will produce a draft ‘Issues and options’ document from the draft ‘vision and objectives’ documents and all other information supplied to her such as notes from meetings and particularly the public meeting held in February.
- Main planning themes (examples)
- LK suggested that the group develop a communications strategy for the project.
- A discussion took place about the various methods of communication the group had already undertaken: articles in the Cider Press and Community Newsletter, NDP website, posters and banners. MW suggested that the group should produce some more posters as it was important that the project is not seen to be in limbo due to the Covid-19 crisis.
- It was agreed that MW, CL and JD would liaise to produce a new generic poster campaign which could signal when new progress of the project is made and to point the parishioners towards the website and forum in order to encourage participation. It was agreed that the publicity should start in about two weeks when it is hoped the project will begin to move forward and there is something definite to publicise.
- Various options were discussed as to how to maximise community engagement whilst complying with the Covid-19 restrictions. Suggestions included distribution of the agreed initial document with some questions at the end which could be collected from each household.
- LK thought that this kind of consultations would be appropriate up to Regulation 14, when parishioners have to have access to hard copies of plans and maps that are available in public buildings such as libraries. Until these are open again this presents a problem to progress of the NDP, but this stage is some way in the future for Stoke Lacy.
- LK emphasized the importance of keeping records of all engagement with public, including copies of magazines, screen shots of website etc. This is already being done and JW can access all website engagement historically.
- A discussion took pace about how the group could use email contacts gathered at the public meeting to further engage hose people without overburdening AW. HALC had advised that only the clerk can access these emails due to GDPR. MW believes that GDPR should not be a problem because the individuals have given their contacts details and have agreed to be contacted regarding the NDP.
Action BM: to contact HALC and ask – due to the present Covid restrictions, can we have the details from of the volunteers from the Parish Clerk which we would then only use for NDP contact purposes?
MW: if we are able to access the details, as volunteer coordinator will contact those who have expressed an interest at the public meeting.
- Settlement area. It was agreed that our next activity should be to draft and agree the settlement area. This may necessitate a face to face meeting which will be arrange as soon as we have the draft outline Ordnance Survey plans.
- Housing
PP pointed out that the parish has met its housing targets up to 2031, and that Sam from Herefordshire Council had suggested that therefore there would only be a requirement to establish a few small pockets of development to satisfy.
LK indicated that it is necessary to establish village settlement boundaries in the two settlements at Stoke Cross and Stoke Lacy (near the church). LK will email detailed maps so that the group can start work on settlement boundaries.
LK explained what settlement boundaries are and how to move forward in establishing new ones for the village and agreed to send further detail to BM the following day.
It was agreed that items a. Housing. B. Environment. C. Community. D. Business. e. Tourism. F. Access will be discussed in further detail once LK has sent the issues and options document.
- Call for sites?
BM outlined the basic choice between tackling the call for sites head on and shelving the matter. He also indicated that there would need to be a further application for funds from Localities for this part of the project.
LK explained the process of call for sites and some of the ways to attempt to diffuse the inevitable divisiveness of the process using AECOM as the main focus for technical details.
Any Other Business
PP asked if LK could provide an outline of a project plan.
JW asked about how the recent identification of high levels of phosphates in the area would affect future development.
PP emphasized the importance of drawing on issues identified as part of the main public consultation from the meeting in February. LK agreed and indicated she did have the notes from the meeting and would be including them in the issues and options document.
The meeting closed at 7.55pm
Future meetings
NDP Meetings | Parish Council Mtgs for info. | |||
Date | Time | Location | Meeting details | |
Wed 3rdJun | 18:30 | Plough | NDP Steering Group | Wed 10th Jun 18:30 |
Wed1st Jul | 18:30 | Plough | NDP Steering Group | Wed 8th Jul 18:30 |
Sat18th Jul | 9.30am | Wye Valley tbc | Parish Open Day | |
Wed 5th Aug | 18:30 | Plough | NDP Steering Group | Wed 12th Aug 18:30 |
Wed2nd Sep | 18:30 | Plough | NDP Steering Group | Wed 9th Sep 18:30 |
Wed7th Oct | 18:30 | Plough | NDP Steering Group | Wed 14th Oct 18:30 |
Wed4th Nov | 18:30 | Plough | NDP Steering Group | Wed 11th Nov 18:30 |
Wed2nd Dec | 18:30 | Plough | NDP Steering Group | Wed 9th Dec 18:30 |