NDP SG Notes 20th Jan 2020

Stoke Lacy Parish – NDP Meeting at 6pm 20th January 2020 – Old Rectory Cottage


Attendees: Bill Morgan, Jo Davies, James Wilson, Phil Platt, Meg Warren, Carole Leonard, 

Apologies: Marcel Carrier, Alma Westwood

In attendance: Lynda Wilcox. Chief Executive of Herefordshire Association of Local Councils (HALC)

  1. Lynda Wilcox presentation and discussion regarding Neighbourhood Development Plan for Stoke Lacy Parish.

Main points: –

  1. LW emphasised the importance that the parish clerk, as the legal officer of the parish council, be closely involved with the NDP steering group. She agreed that it was acceptable for someone else to prepare notes of the meetings but that the clerk should have oversight of the notes and, if possible, attend all meetings. The clerk of the parish council should also apply for all grants (£9k per annum is available for NDPs) and expenditure must be approved by the parish council.
  2. Once notes are prepared, they should be submitted for approval and endorsement by the parish council. The steering group is a working party of the parish council and can only make recommendations to the parish council. It has no decision-making authority.
  3. Consultation with the public should be open and flexible with parishioners able to attend all meetings. Acceptable for steering group meetings to be held in the pub as long as accessibility is open. No requirement to adopt terms of reference. 
  4. LW approved the idea of engaging an experienced planning consultant such as David Nicholson or Kirkwells. Once appointed by the parish council they will lead and advise on the entire process.
  5. Parishioners engagement is key to a successful NDP outcome and the inspector will need evidence of this engagement. A questionnaire is one method of engaging opinion but this can be a lengthy and inefficient process. LW would strongly recommend that a series of parish meetings to consult about ideas for development, tourism, environment and infrastructure projects be undertaken. After which the consultant can produce a skeleton plan for distribution to parishioners followed by further consultation at a parish meeting.
  6. Meeting of 5th February should be called a ‘Parish Meeting’ not a Public Meeting. That way the parish council retains autonomy. The meeting should be chaired by the chair or vice-chair of the Parish Council. LW will then do a presentation on NDP and take questions from the public. Afterwards, whilst refreshments are being offered, LW will collect a list of names, email addresses and telephone numbers of those interested in participating. This list will then be handed to the parish clerk. This list together with existing core volunteers will form the basis of the NDP steering group.
  7. The role of the parish council and steering group in the run-up to the meeting on 5th February should be :- Effective publicity warning of the dangers of not preparing a NDP ( Costs of printing and distribution can be taken from the grant budget). LW suggested flyers to all households in the parish (check with the parish clerk about exact boundaries from the electoral register), posters, and other forms of communication through local newspapers, magazines etc. The parish council should also provide free refreshments at all parish meetings. LW will need a flip chart for the meeting.
  8. LW suggested the annual parish public meeting (taking place between March and May each year) would be a good time for a second open parish meeting to gather ideas about development etc. After which the consultant could prepare a skeleton plan with a further public meeting in September.
  9. LW recommended Ann Skipper of AKON (an independent planning consultancy) for the inspection stage of the NDP.
  10. LW pointed out that approval of the appointment of the planning consultant should be made by the parish council at their February 12th meeting. LW undertook to contact the parish clerk about wording of the NDP agenda item on each parish council agenda and to advise her on the importance of the clerk’s role in the NDP process.
  • Meetings Schedule
NDP MeetingsParish Council MtgsFor info.
Date    TimeLocationMeeting details
Wed 8th Jan18:00Village HallMeeting with David Nicholson (Consultant)Wed 8th Jan 19:30
Wed 15thJan18:00PloughNDP Steering Group Meeting 
Wed5th Feb18:00 18:30 PublicVillage HallParish Meeting  
Wed 12th Feb18:00Village HallNDP Steering Group MeetingWed 12th Feb 19:30
Wed 4th Mar18:00PloughNDP Steering Group MeetingWed 11th Mar 19:30
Wed 1st Apr18:00PloughNDP Steering GroupWed 8th Apr 19:30

The meeting closed at 8pm.