Stoke Lacy Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Meeting 6th January 2021 at 6:30pm on video conferencing.
Attendees: Jo Davies, Carole Leonard, Meg Warren, James Wilson, Freddie Lewis, Bill Morgan
Apologies: Alma Westwood. Agenda:
- a) AECOM report has now been sent to Localities to check and be approved. This couldtake some time.
- b) Once received BM will send to landowners and post on the NDP website.
- c) An accompanying letter will be drafted and CL will design a suitable format.
- d) LK suggested a standard not individual letter be sent to all landowners and that thewhole report be sent to each not individually tailored to each landowner.
- Responses to Issues and Options
- a) The issues and options document responses have been drafted and will be posted to the NDP website. JD has drafted a letter to accompany.
- b) CL will put posters up to publicise this.
- c) JD will circulate the letter and link with the Cider Press email list and include it in theFebruary Cider Press.
- Public Meetingsa) Aim for a public meeting in May depending on how Covid restrictions are being lifted.
- Actions the SG should take following the collation of I&O responses.
a) LK suggests tweaking settlement boundaries to reflect concern from residents.
b) Examine views and green spaces. 5. AOB
- AP has done voice over for the video.
- Next meeting via video conferencing 3rd February.
The meeting closed at 7.30pm